Prices are for 1-2 people a third person may be added for an extra $100. Lunch will be provided on trips 6 hours in length or longer. These trips include streamer and indicator fishing as well as Spey fishing.
Prices are for 1-2 people a third person may be added for an extra $100. Lunch will be provided on trips 6 hours in length or longer. These trips include but are not limited to float fishing, back bouncing, jigging and casting crank baits.
Prices are for 1-2 people a third person may be added for an extra $100. Lunch will be provided on trips 6 hours in length or longer. These trips mainly consist of jigging.
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Payments can be made with check, credit card, or paypal. Deposits are required to “Save Dates”. Due to the short season and availability deposits are not refundable but dates may be rescheduled according to availability.
We are currently booking September and early October King Salmon, mid October and November Steelhead and Atlantic Salmon and February, March and April Steelhead and Walleye trips!